Veganism on the Rise

Veganism has grown significantly in the last decade and has risen quickly in the last couple of years, concerns regarding animal agriculture are being highlighted like never before, specifically the role consuming animal products plays in climate change and on our health, but also the growing awareness of how incredibly violent and cruel the industry really is.

Veganism on the rise

At Circular Wellness we believe that everything is inextricably linked. We aim to educate, inspire change, and support businesses and individuals who are leading the way towards a plant-based and circular future for the greater good of humanity, our planet, and most importantly the animals. Our goal is to rethink and evolve human consumption habits through the power of knowledge in order to awaken global consciousness.

No matter how you choose to label your diet anyone can reap the benefits of a plant-based, vegan diet. Here are some of the motivations that sent us on the journey to veganism and animal rights activism.

Why should we stop eating meat?

Plant-based diets are becoming a hot topic among the medical community and people are starting to listen up. Claims that animal products have negative impacts on are our health are becoming publicized and backed by science like never before. Let’s dive into the basics; red meat/processed meat, dairy/cheese, and eggs.

Why is red meat and processed meat unhealthy?

The World Health Organisation and the American Institute for Cancer Research both state that processed meats are classified as “carcinogenic to humans” and red meat, such as beef, lamb, and pork as a ‘probable’ cause of a variety of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. What better time than now to ditch those hot dogs, ham sandwiches, and sausages(1). It is said that just one hot dog or a few strips of bacon consumed daily increases cancer risk by a whopping 18%! Other processed meats include cured meat, canned meat, lunch meat, and any meat requiring preservatives to retain its freshness(2).

Amazon deforestation, is due to cattle raising, playing a major role in the loss of biodiversity and the largest mass extinction of countless species. As a result of commercial fishing, 90 percent of large fish populations have been exterminated in the past 50 years(3).

The amount of land, water, and energy to produce animal-based products far exceed what is required to produce grain and vegetables, by switching to a plant-based vegan diet you can significantly reduce environmental impact, making it the easiest way to combat climate change in our generation(4,5).

Vegan for humanity

Animals are not the only ones at risk. Slaughterhouse workers are at risk of a variety of disorders like post-traumatic stress disorder and linked to a higher incidence of domestic violence and alcohol and drug abuse.

Food safety is a concern, for example, China is currently facing the most catastrophic food epidemic in years know as swine flu, the disease is at risk of spreading globally. Traces of the disease have been around the world compromising food safety and causing the slaughter of countless pigs in the attempt to contain it. Ocean pollution and farm raised fish are creating dangerous toxicity contamination which ultimately affect humans on a biological and physiological level(6).

Did you know that almost immediately after death, the body of an animal begins to decompose? Within minutes of eating dead meat bacteria toxins, the body gets a burst of inflammation, stiffening of paralyzing the arteries, providing a perfect breeding ground for disease in the body.

Why are eggs bad for you?

We have all been taught from a very young age that eggs and dairy are highly nutritious and vital to our health. On the contrary, eggs and dairy are not only loaded with cholesterol and saturated fat but they increase your chances of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and cancer as well. Shockingly – a single egg has an outrageous amount of cholesterol and saturated fat, taking the win two-fold over a Big Mac(7)!

Why not to eat dairy products and cheese?

There are multiple studies finding little health benefits and even a decline in bone health including an increased risk of osteoporosis with high consumption of dairy products. In addition, regular consumption of dairy products has been linked to prostate cancer and an increased risk of lung cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer. Furthermore, antibiotics and steroid hormones are very potent compounds in dairy foods, proving to exert profound biological effects in animals and humans(8).

Climate change, habitat loss, and extinction

Animal agriculture has been directly linked to climate change, mass extinction, and habitat loss. New studies show that meat and dairy use about 83% of farmland and produce 60% of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. In general, the industry produces gas emissions equating to more than all global transport combined, as a result, we are already seeing the effects of climate change and an accelerated increase in global temperature.

It has been found that without meat and dairy global farmland can be reduced by 75% (this is equivalent to the US, China, Europe, and Australia combined).

Furthermore, aside from climate change effects already being felt around the world, 800 million people are suffering from malnutrition, undernourishment, and jeopardized food supply due to the fact that 35% of grains are produced and fed to livestock for human consumption (9,10).

Vegan for animal welfare

Industries such as fashion and cosmetics, pets, research and testing, entertainment, and food are the main culprits of animal exploitation. It is estimated that over 60 billion land animals and over 1-2 trillion fish are killed every year around the world for human consumption; when compared to the 7 billion people on this planet these numbers are astounding.

Aside from the unseen animal cruelty going on behind these industries, the common and legal processing, transportation, living conditions, and slaughter of these animals are not only incredibly violet but inflict unimaginable suffering to animals on so many levels (11,12).

“2019 The Year of the Vegan”

There are so many organisations and companies out there that can help you along the way if you are interested in veganism or simply eating a more plant-based diet. Whether you need nutrition advice, recipes, or a supportive community we encourage you to seek help, get educated and get involved to help you make the switch smooth and sustainable.

Get connected with us at Circular Wellness for more tips and information on living a more eco-friendly, cruelty-free, and healthy lifestyle.

Written by Circular Wellness


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